Flower Trends Over Time

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The chart below depicts the THC Total values for all flower samples submitted to Confidence Analytics and reported to the WSLCB’s seed-to-sale traceability system to date. As you can see, it’s pretty steady at 18% average, but there’s always a slight dip in the late fall season. Typically, the central 50% of the distribution is between 15 and 20%. When … Read More

April Fool?

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You may have seen us re-tweeting some obtuse and verifiably wrong information from a relatively new twitter account, Stoners Against Terps. Today being the day that it is, we can reveal that we are the instigators of that account. Our intent was to have some fun while bringing awareness to one of the most important and underrated components of cannabis: … Read More

Microbes in Approved Pesticides

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In Washington State, the pesticides that may be applied to cannabis crops are limited to those approved by the WSLCB and the WSDA.  The repository for data on these pesticides is the PICOL database.   The PICOL database is a one stop shop to find out what active ingredients, brand names, and more, are ingredients in the various pesticides available. Pesticide approval does not … Read More

New Method for Terpene and Residual Solvent tests!

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A few months ago, we embarked on a development path with a new instrument that ultimately did not live up to our expectations. As a result, we had to suspend terpenes and residual solvents test offerings to our customers. Learning from the experience, we spent our time working to redefine the standard of quality of these tests for the benefit of … Read More

Support the “Respect State Marijuana Laws” Act

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The new US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, said at his confirmation hearing that if the nation didn’t want him to enforce federal laws on marijuana, then those laws needed to change in congress. Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher of California has introduced the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act (H.R. 975), in which he explains that treating marijuana as a states issue … Read More

State of the Art: High Resolution Terpene Analysis and more

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Confidence Analytics is pleased to announce that after months of method development we are now in full production with our brand new, state-of-the-art Gas Chromatograph with Mass Spectrometry (GCMS). This instrument now empowers us to offer the very best in scent and flavor analysis, with high sensitivity and selectivity to over 45 terpenes and esters commonly found in cannabis, as … Read More