Top Reasons for Cannabis Testing

Pat ReynoldsGeneral1 Comment

A 4 by 6 metal muffin tray with paper cups containing ground-up cannabis flower

Top Reasons for Cannabis Testing Cannabis use is on the rise with many adults trying cannabis for its therapeutic and medicinal benefits rather than just the recreational high. Due to medical and recreational legalization in certain states, and the subsequent openings of dispensaries and retail shops, cannabis testing has now become very important in the industry. Just like all other … Read More

Minnesota Non-Profit Seeks CBD Label Accuracy

Stephanie ReillyGeneralLeave a Comment

Cannabis and CBD label accuracy

Back in late 2019 (Yes, that feels like ages ago!) Confidence was approached by a Minnesota based non-profit organization (501(c)(3)) about testing some local CBD products. The Minnesota Hemp Farmers & Manufacturers Association (MHFMA) had become familiar with Confidence Analytics and approached our Operations Director, Pat Reynolds, for some assistance.  Matthew Kaiser, MHFMA Program Director, had shared with Pat his frustration, … Read More

Meet 2020 Solutions – Bellingham based TWC Program™ Retail Partner

Stephanie ReillyGeneralLeave a Comment

Located in northwestern Washington state – closer to Vancouver, B.C. than Seattle – is the trendy city of Bellingham.  (Bellingham fun facts: named for Sir William Bellingham who died in 1826. Sir Bellingham, who never even saw the ocean or the land that would be named for him, oversaw provision procurement for the Vancouver Expedition as Controller of Storekeepers Accounts … Read More

So what’s the point? TWC Program

Stephanie ReillyGeneral1 Comment

Standouts: There have always been “standouts” in every industry – people/groups/companies that make the “extra” effort in producing their products. Cannabis is no different. A few years back our lab customers were vocal with their frustration about not having their cannabis product recognized as organic.  Organic being one of those “standout” attributes indicating extra care associated with a product and … Read More

TWC Program Offers Recognition for Pesticide Testing

Stephanie ReillyGeneralLeave a Comment

@nappyleaf holding a TWC Sticker

Last week Confidence Analytics was recognized by Marijuana Business Daily.  Reporter Bart Schaneman published a story titled “Covid-19 delays mandatory pesticide testing for Washington state recreational cannabis.” Our Tested with Confidence Program™ got some ink as well as our CEO, Nick Mosely and TWC Program Director, Lara Kaminsky. The article recognized that due to the coronavirus, Washington state delayed hearings … Read More

Vitamin E and Vaping. What you need to know.

Nick MoselyGeneral5 Comments

For up-to-date information, follow Confidence Analytics @ConfAnalytics | @confidence_analytics | #TestedWithConfidence La vitamina E y el vapeo. Lo que necesita saber. La versión en español está disponible aquí. Vitmain E Pills and Dropper. Viscosity similar to vape juice. What is Vitamin E Acetate? Vitamin E (also known as tocopherol) is a naturally occurring vitamin, essential to a healthy human diet … Read More