UPDATE 2018-5-25: We have added a QR Code label template to our client portal – now you can print your product labels with a QR Code!
I-502 businesses are required by rule to make certain “accompanying documents” available to buyers. It’s an important part of legal cannabis’ commitment to transparency and consumer protection. We try to make it easy for you to maintain compliance while providing quality to the consumer. A QR Code (similar to the example below) on your product packaging will allow consumers to view your test results online from their mobile device – saving you label space and at the same time enriching your label by making additional information available online!
To utilize this feature, log into our client portal and choose the samples you want to make public. Next, view and print your available QR Codes by following these instructions. (Depending on your printer’s resolution, QR Codes can be printed as small as 0.75 inches on a side and still be easily readable by most smartphones.) As long as the sample is in public mode, the QR Code will link to the results for that sample, and your customers and consumers will be able to view them any time.
You can also add other accompanying documents to your QR Code, by entering additional text into the “Description” text-box – your description will be visible as part of the data returned. Any data you present there are valid means of communicating label information – e.g. listing your grow medium, or insecticides used.
A QR Code on your packaging ensures that everyone downstream in the supply chain can easily maintain compliance with flow-through documentation about production and processing. It also makes it easier for your customers and your consumers to get access to interesting information about the product inside the package.
The more we make the data available, the more people will realize that it is about more than just THC.

Example QR Code – scan this to see our Facebook page!