On the Recent Rule Changes

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Recently, we’ve taken calls from a few customers about the most recent LCB rule changes. There are a few concerns, and these rules are not exactly the easiest things to figure out. Let’s catch you up as we know it. Good or Bad? And for Whom? First, let us say right away that we feel good about these changes, and … Read More

Keeping Your Testing Costs Down

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New cannabis QA testing requirements are on the horizon here in Washington state, taking effect on August 31, 2017. These rule changes mean adding new test requirements for some product types. Additional test requirements are going to mean increased testing costs for producers and processors. You can learn more about the new requirements on our New Rules FAQ page. We … Read More

Testing for Nitrates in Flower Samples

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Have you ever loaded a bowl of beautiful, sparkling flower, put the flame to the green, inhaled, and coughed out a cloud of metallic, fertilizer-flavored smoke? An incomplete flush is an unfortunate waste of flower. There are many different techniques to ensure a good flush, but wouldn’t it be nice to know if your flush is finished before finding out … Read More

QUIZ: So you think you know your cannabis?

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For those that work with the same product every day, it can come as a surprise when others don’t recognize something so familiar. As a result, people don’t always label their products correctly. We receive samples here at the lab on a regular basis that are not fully labeled, so we’ve become quite good at identifying the different product types – and … Read More