Cannabinoid Crystallization

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At Confidence Analytics, we strive to understand more about Cannabis every day. Not only do we perform experiments to improve our procedures and data quality, but we have the opportunity to try new and exciting techniques in the laboratory. This week, Molecular Biologist Levi Boss and Chemist Zachary Iszard bring you some preliminary results on a project that fascinates them: crystallization and … Read More

Home Remedies

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Neem oil. 91% Isopropyl alcohol. Hydrogen peroxide. Capsaicin extracts. These are the treatments growers recommend when you ask them how to cure your mold, mite, and mystery problems. Do they work? Some swear by their recipe, but do we have the data to show their efficacy? Your trusted friends from across the spectrum of hobby gardeners to agricultural producers swear they’ve … Read More

The Invisible Enemy

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A look at microbial testing in I502, as featured in November 2014’s Marijuana Venture Magazine. It’s a terribly frustrating experience. Heartbreaking, even. You’ve invested a lot of time and money into this incredible plant. You know every plant in your operation by heart. You have put all the right ingredients into them, including your own blood, sweat and tears. Your … Read More