QA Samples – updated rules

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On May 31, the WSLCB finally released their latest ruleset for QA sampling. As always, we here at Confidence have waded through the codes to bring you a summary of the changes and how they will impact you. Bear in mind that these rules are not going into effect until August 31, but it is always best to be prepared.

The main points are as follows:

Flower Sampling – No changes to current protocol. Samples must weigh at least 4 grams and be composed of at least 4 pieces. Maximum lot size remains 5 lbs
New TestsWater activity is now required for green plant material (flower, marijuana mix). Mycotoxin screening is required for raw plant material and all extracts, unless the extract was made with previously-tested flower.
Residual Solvents – All solvent-based extracts now require a residual solvents test, including BHO, CO2, ethanol, and food grade solvent extracts. Limits have been specified for 15 solvents, and labs must now screen for all solvents listed:


Microbial Tests and Limits – The aerobic, fungal/mold, and coliform microbial tests have been eliminated. Bile-tolerant/gram-negative limits have been raised from 1,000 cfu/g to 10,000 cfu/g for raw plant material, and the microbial screening is no longer required for extract types that destroy microbes, such as BHO, CO2 and ethanol
Labeling Requirements – The following information must now appear on every QA sample bag or container:

  1. The words Quality Assurance Sample.
  2. The 16-digit QA Sample ID generated by the traceability system [bar code, please].
  3. The name and license number of the lab receiving the sample.
  4. The name and license number of the licensee sending the sample.
  5. The date the sample was collected.
  6. The weight of the sample.

Over the coming weeks we will be updating our testing methods to be able to meet these new requirements, and we will of course keep you up to date with our progress. In the meantime, if you have any questions at all regarding these new rules, please contact us!

The full text of recent rule changes can be accessed here.

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